Arduino pwm rotary encoder. I looked it up but couldn't find anything.
Arduino pwm rotary encoder I'm using just two channels (A and B). So i faced the On most rotary encoders, when you rotate them, you will feel a bump. Rotary encoders are the modern digital equivalent of potentiometers and are more versatile. The difference is the absolute encoder gives the precise position of the shaft in degrees, whereas the incremental encoder reports how many Learn how to use a rotary encoder with Arduino. We will discuss about the working of rotary encoders, its pinout, and its connection with There are two main types of rotary encoder: absolute and incremental. It is a Bourns EMS-22P50-B28-LS6. h> RotaryEncoder encoder(2,3); void setup() { Serial. I was doing a bit of research online and I'm trying to figure out how to use the encoders to control the PWM applied to the motors which will make precise turns. I have written the following code to measure the speed of a unidirectional DC Motor. Daniel Velazquez 1 Comment. I have gotten the lcd to read the encoder when it is turning to raise or lower the number. Also, connect the Red wire of the servo motor to a 5V source. My goal is to monitor about a dozen of rotary encoders. Microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560 D18/TX1 - Connected to CLK and DT pins of the third Rotary Encoder; D4 PWM, D5 PWM, D8 PWM, D9 PWM, D10 PWM, D11 PWM - Control DC Motor control with rotary encoder and Arduino code: The rotary encoder pin A (CLK) and pin B (DT) are connected to Arduino UNO pins 2 and 3 respectively. Component List Arduino Mega 2560. The most common encoders are optical encoders with a transparent rotor with For one of my projects I use few absolute rotary encoders. that's ok but when i select this 3rd "sub-menu page" using the scroll of encoder, this sub-menu page switch to next page. Here I explain the manage of multiple rotary encoder. I have it wired up fine, and I can get a count of how many clicks either forwards or backwards, but I can't seem to get this into degrees. Using a digital vernier scale, RGB LED Color Control using Rotary Encoder and Arduino. Here is a simple example of using a rotary encoder to control the speed of a motor connected to a PWM Library to use i2c pcf8574 IC with arduino, esp8266 and esp32. Hence, you will observe the rotation of the rotary encoder Using a slot type IR encoder, (lm393) to read rpm, I am trying to control the speed of the motor to a set rpm which will eventually be sent from a remote arduino. For this example, the pins of the encoder are connected to the Arduino in the following manner: Connect the A pin of the encoder to the digital pin 2 of the Arduino. The detail instruction, code, wiring diagram, video tutorial, line-by-line code explanation are provided to help you quickly get started with ESP32. For now the code can just read off to the serial monitor. On the Rotary encoder เป็นอุปกรณ์ที่ใช้กันอย่างแพร่หลายในงานต่างๆที่ต้องใช้การเลือกเมนูต่างๆแทนการใช้ปุ่มกดเนื่องจากว่าใช้งานขาสัญญาณเพียง 2 เส้น Hello, I am currently completing a circuit that is a PID Temp controller. You will also need to connect the encoder’s common terminal to the GND pin of the Arduino. Connected to the Arduino UNO board. I am trying to use a rotary encoder to display a password on my LCD. Since there is no enough free pins in my arduino board I bought a couple of MCP23017 chips. Tested 1000 turns @ 3000 RPM with a 500cpr encoder and it counted perfect. I have a Leonardo, which according to specification has interrupt capability pins on 2,3 and I am using those two pins. The two input pins are for the encoder feedback. GND – Ground connection pin. Now, let’s delve into a “rotary encoder Arduino example” to better understand the integration of a rotary encoder with Arduino. Hello everyone, I've been trying to get the direction of my rotary encoder and print it in the serial monitor using the RotaryEncoder. Arduino Rotary encoder is useful in CNC machines, robotics, and even printers due to its solid build and fine digital control. The trouble that I am running into is using a single click. The AS5048A is an easy to use 360° angle position sensor (absolute encoder) Here is a look at the view of the Serial Monitor when the rotary encoder hits one of those "spots". Therefore I have to create six different signals A, B, Index (and their 3 inverted signals). now the encoder generating the greater number of 1's shows that the speed of that motor is greater Hey guys, I'm trying to drive a 5v voltage meter via a rotary encoder through an arduino Uno R3. Tutorial for Using a rotary encoder module. And also learn about Rotary In this comprehensive user guide, we will learn to interface a rotary encoder module with Arduino. I am using a potentiometer at the moment to select 4 states of a menu, but I'd like a more postive feel as the user twists the knob. Sketches include a precision control for a servo motor and a tachometer for a DC motor. I am now The project uses a rotary encoder with an Arduino NANO development board to control the DC motor’s speed and direction. Other Hardware. The example can be seen in the I am using an incremental quadrature encoder (400ppr, model) to measure the rotations of the wheel. Could you help me pls to select this page Hi, I am using rotary encoder of incremental type e40s6-1000-3-t-24. Connect the SW pin of the rotary encoder to the digital-3 pin of the Arduino. The diagram below shows how the phases A and B relate to each other when the encoder is turned clockwise or counter clockwise. The linear actuators are arranged Subsequently, connect the VCC pin of the rotary encoder to the Arduino’s 5-volt pin and link the GND pin of the rotary encoder to the Arduino’s GND pin. Encoder hooked up with common to GROUND, encoder0PinA (or encoder0PinB The circuit is so simple. The three basic connections needed Read rotary encoder from Arduino Uno in Simulink. (value read) / 360 would give me how much it changes for every angle. Learn more about encoder, arduino uno, real time, counts . VCC – Sensor input voltage pin (can connect to 3. All what you can think. Does it have anything to do with de attach interrupt code pinA and B are clk and dt encoder pins void PinA(){ cli(); //stop interrupts Arduino Rotary encoder is useful in CNC machines, robotics, and even printers due to its solid build and fine digital control. I have a pretty simple sketch, and the rotary encoder works great, counting between 0 and 100 in increments of 1, with little bounce unless I spin it SUPER fast. Let’s take a closer look at a rotary encoder. Both pins can be used to interrupt the Arduino Hi, for my current project I would like to emulate an incremental rotary encoder signal. I am trying to use a handwheel direct-drive attached to quadrature encoder to replace the stick of an RC radio. Here my problem is how to get the RPM of the rotary encoder. What im trying to implement is that I can choose the RPM count with rotary encoder, say 300-2000 rpm and with the integrated button to confirm. then I can do angle = hey there, i'm having a issue that i kind of already explained in another thread i had running, but it was not related to the issue of that thread so i thought it was better to start a new one, i'm making a coil winder for guitar/bass pickups, i'm using a arduino uno, a ibt_2 12v 30A motor driver, a d1robot lcd keypad shield, a opto interruptor (slotted type), and a rotary What if i want to use two rotary encoders on UNO, NANO etc? I building a frequency generator, with ad9833 the output will also be plugged in pin 5 to use freqcount and measure it. The complete project can be built with few I'm building a PWM fan controller using an Arduino NANO, a KY-040 rotary encoder and an i2c OLED. We will be rotating the Rotary Encoder to assign the value. Hardware: Tested with Arduino Uno, 6v DC electric motor, L298N H_Bridge controller, AMS-AS5048b Magnetic Rotary Encoder. But for now, I am trying to get reliable and stable speed control. //Encoder pin const int encoderPinA = 2; // MD30C PWM connected to pin 10 #define PWM 12 // MD30C DIR connected to pin 12 #define DIR 10 //Encoder variables volatile unsigned long encoder_Position; unsigned long newposition_encod Hello, I have a Rotary Encoder that I am using with my Arduino 101. my problem is i only need to move the rotary hall effect shaft 60 degrees to go from 0 to 100% i been reading and see that you can map a arduino to use what you want. Two directional pins allow for setting a motor brake by shorting the terminals of the motor together (set both directions HIGH, and preferably turn off the PWM) การทดลองนี้เป็นการนำโรตารีเอ็นโค้ดเดอร์ (Rotary Encoder) ของ OMRON รุ่น E6B2-CWZ6C มาเชื่อมต่อเข้ากับ Arduino UNO เพื่อตรวจจับความเร็วและทิศทางการหมุนที่เกิดขึ้น โดย Learn how rotary encoder sensor works, how to connect rotary encoder sensor to ESP32, how to program ESP32 step by step. DC motors are more frequently used than Stepper Motors and Servo Motors. so pwm signal 8, 9, 10, or 16 bits to change the volt and amp. In this post, we will learn about RGB LED Color Control using Rotary Encoder and Arduino. I am using this library to record signals. The furthest i have gotten is being HI! I am using rotary encoder with LCD and serial monitor. This seems like a popular method to use. my basic is approach is to count the number of pulses that is generated by each encoder and than compare them with each other. DFRobot 3PA and 4WD Rovers (2pk) Romeo V2 Arduino Controller. I have nothing for the encoders Hello, I'm building a button box for flight sim and I'm trying to wire up several buttons into a 5x4 button matrix, alongside three KY-040 rotary encoders. Hey! I would like to ask you guys some help about a coding problem. The down code is posted Hi @GVisser, Unfortunately, HardwareTimer library doesn't support Encoder mode, but hardware support it: A timer can be used with 2 input signal from encoder, and timer counter will count according to encoder rotation (backward / forward). Unfortunately I am having many troubles that seems to have no reason to be. I built first prototype with chinese 8 bit analog encoders and arduino. As you turn the knob, the rotary encoders has clicks, or “detents”. but I'm not sure that it works with arduino because 12 bit pwm. Then, attach the CLK and DT pins of the rotary encoder to the digital-2 and digital-4 pins of the Arduino. I'm powering it directly on the 5V pin, bypassing the regulator. These are known as steps, and most rotary encoders like this guy have about 12 of these per rotation. If you do not know the PWM frequency you can determine the angle with PWM in the following way. ROTARY ENCODER KY-040 on Arduino UNO - May 2014 WIRING INFORMATION Connect CLK to Pin 2 on Arduino Board (CLK is Data Output 1 of KY-040) Connect DT to Pin 3 on Arduino Board (DT is Data I am currently working on a heating stage project and I wanted to know if I can use a 12V AC Adapter to convert 120VAC to 12VDC to power my Arduino Uno Rev3 with its power barrel. But when I enable the two output lines to the Volt Meter, it Hi Everyone, I'm a newbie to C/C++ and arduino. Again the pinouts are not critical but if you do change them you’ll need to make sure to use a digital I/O pin on the Arduino that supports PWM Hi, I'm rather new to Arduino and C++ programming. Doing LPF on the "encoder" PWM output will add significant lag, as it only outputs at 1kHz, and /* Motor PID Controller V1 Aim: Recieve a position from button presses incrementing 10 degrees. 3V or 5V). I want to do this using 6 PWM signals with a duty cycle of 50%. Then write the above-given code in Arduino IDE, and upload that in the ARDUINO UNO. can you Rotary encoder ที่นำมาใช้งานในบทความนี้เป็น Rotary encoder ที่มีลักษณะเหมือนกับมอเตอร์ไฟฟ้ากระแสตรง มีด้วยกัน 2 รุ่น คือ LPD3806-600BM และ LPD3806-360 Two pins for direction control, and one for motor power (assuming PWM). Hello everyone, I am trying to build a controller for my little 1:220 model train using an arduino nano, a 12v power supply for the motor and a L298N motor controller with the speed control being a rotary encoder. I multiplied the count by 9, so it is in degrees, and I can set it to zero, but I can't get both values stuck out of zero if I go past 360. So this has been driving me crazy the last couple of days. I am having trouble figuring out how to include suitable code into the sketch to control ENA on the controller with a PWm signal. Then I started googling for some examples and found a few, but none that use more than a single chip. The trouble is I only have 1 digital pin left available but all of the anlogue pins. As input signal to Arduino I can take a Good afternoon, I am building a 6 axis robotic arm, using 6 DM996 servos, 6 push buttons rotary encoders, PCA9685 PWM servo controller and Arduino Mega 256. Be sure to pick a PWM capable pin for pin_pwm_output. Hello everyone, this is my first post through Arduino Forums, so i apologize if this is not up to par. The PID parameters and scopes are tuneable. Tutorial of Rotary Encoder With Arduino: Rotary encoder is an electronic component capable of monitoring movement and position when rotating. We are attaching rotary encoders on a rack and pinion that is attached to each actuator. I need to control stepper motor for move plate by ARDUINO UNO R3. 3 example projects included with Arduino. (PWM output) and pins 2 and 3 go to the encoders as input. The first pin is the output A, the second pin is the output B, the third pin is the Button pin and of course the other two pins are the VCC and the GND The Arduino Mega 2560 manages the control signals for the stepper motor drivers and processes the signals from the rotary encoders. Does it have anything to do with de attach interrupt code pinA and B are clk and dt encoder pins //********************WORKS ON SERIAL To understand Rotary Rotary Encoder with Arduino UNO, connect the circuit according to the circuit diagram or follow the connection table. I'm using this motor with a hall-effect encoder attached. I have attempted to measure the time between successive interrupts in order to calculate speed. Scott Bezek’s video on the Smarknob View showed me this is also a very real thing, Now connect Rotary Encoder with Arduino UNO and LCD display as shown in the below circuit diagram. If you have watched my videos and 1 Rotary Encoder; 3 LEDs (1 red, 1 green and 1 yellow); 1 Servo sg90; 3 220Ω resistors; Male to male jumper wires; 1 Breadboard; The Rotary Encoder. I want to use rotary encoder to control PWM in Arduino nano to get 0-5V output. It is an electro-mechanical device that converts the angular position to a digital output signal through PWM technology. This IC can control (until 8) digital devices like button or led with 2 only pins. alto777 Converting between the units the human wants (RPM) and the units that the hardware works in (encoder counts, microseconds, PWM duty cycles in 0-255, etc,) is important. Sensors. The encoder is connected directly to the roll (1/1), and is 360 points per revolution. This is the code so far: // Rotary Encoder Inputs #define CLK 2 #define DT 3 int enableA = 9; int in1= 6; Overview of a Rotary Encoder. You will need: • An ATMEGA328P based Arduino, such as the Uno, Pro Mini or Nano. The only information about the encoder on seller's page was: "Includes quadrature encoder with digital outputs for measuring motor position or speed. begin(9600); } void loop() { encoder. Choices you need to make are: Motor Speed Control Arduino. controlled by an Arduino variable with rotary encoder and some buttons . At this time, both rotary encoders are communicating with the Serial monitor and correctly displaying rotation one ach encoder. The frequency of the PWM signals I determine, by continuously reading the voltage of the ADC pin. In the data sheet there is a formula like ((maximum allowable frequency of the divided / pulse per resolution. I've contacted Pololu support and in response to a request for a datasheet to help understand how the sensor output is achieved from an engineering perspective, they only have this to say: My controller is an Arduino Nano. Arduino read PWM duty cycle value with input Hi everyone, this is my first time using arduino, I've tried to get data from an optical incremental encoder (TRD-S2500BD from automation direct) to an arduino board mega 2560, but codes posted in playground for rotary encoders doesn't work. The shaft itself can be part of the sensor or the sensor can have a hole for a shaft to go through (ideal when you want to attach the sensor to a piece of rotating equipment). Hi all, I'm looking for suggestions/help on a project I have in mind. It solves problems with high resolution encoders or high speed applications. 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 42 59 103 142 163 235 189 224 217 151 With a rotary encoder we have two square wave outputs (A and B) which are 90 degrees out of phase with each other. Show -1 older comments Hide -1 older comments. 7-clicks per Rotary Encoder Arduino Example. For instance, if I configure the desire point or target angle at 80 degree in the terminal and upload the code to my Arduino Nano, the motor will move to 80 degree and if it is not at 80 degree the system will command the motor again and try to I'm learning how to read feedback from the rotary magnetic encoder that comes with the motor. Encoder has 5v, Gnd, output A and output B connections. I looked it up but couldn't find anything. This is the setup: Arduino with connected a rotary encoder, Hi, I'm trying to design a digital Lab bench power supply, for which i need to supply 0-5volts to feed in Op amp. Is the AMS AS5600 a good choice? Using PWM, and calibrate with 3-wire mode? HI! I am using rotary encoder with LCD and serial monitor. The last state of the pmw outputs for each channel should Learn how to use Rotary Encoders with an Arduino, both as controls and to measure the speed of a gear motor. Convert read DMX value and output it as PWM (which later on will be converted to 0-10V to drive a VFD) Create a simple menu on a 128x64 OLED I2C display, controlled by a rotary encoder with switch, to be abled to change the DMX address (and for the below) (optionally), create a 'standalone' mode where the 'device' can work without receiving DMX. Step 1: Start with the Encoder. system March 19, 2013, 8:10pm 1. The Arduino process the code and control the encoder’s output. To get an increment of 1, I need to turn click the rotary button twice as if I wanted to increase or decrease of 2 increments Any Idea of why and how to fix it . h library and this code: #include <RotaryEncoder. This same 5V is Hello Guys ! I have found a super Menu for my apllication ( see bellow youtube link), and i have changed the second "sub-menu" to setup the "pwm value" on 3rd page, like on the first main menu. )60). Spin slow and it's like barely pushing on the stick. Can anybody share the code Improved interpretation after enough coffee. My current configuration is two BLDC hub motors, two rotary encoders, two drivers, and one power tool battery. For these functions i am using the following basic components: DC motor with encoder (TT Motor with Encoder (6V 160RPM 120:1)-DFRobot) Arduino UNO L298N motor driver LCD with I2C Arduino Forum Rotary The AS5048A Magnetic Rotary Encoder reading data with Arduino. As we’ve seen, you can use a rotary encoder with Arduino for many of your projects i want to use a arduino pwm to control a 12 volt high amp motor with a mosfet by a rotary hall effect switch. Each detent generates a digital signal that’s used by the Arduino to determine the position of the encoder Hello all, I need help with coding for a rotary encoder. The particular module that I will use for this example comes on a breakout board and it has five pins. Rotary encoders can rotate 360° without stopping, whereas potentiometers can only rotate 3/4 of the circle. Here is my code: /* Arduino Rotary Hello, I need to calculate the tangential speed of a roll. Any normal movements work as expected. tick(); int8_t dir = encoder. I'd like to use this with the Arduino Uno to tell me position of the rotary encoders shaft. HOWTO. I have a Uno with lm393 module (digital output) with 220 ohm resistor connected to pin D2. Originally I was planning to wire the encoder button function into the matrix, but then I found the encoder needs a 5V wire to function properly, so I can't connect the button to a row and a column. So I spin the wheel fast, it's equivalent to pushing the RC radio stick hard. I will use the pmw outputs to control digipots. As each actuator extends, the rotary encoder will turn this will allow me to determine exact length of each linear actuator. The motor then turns to this angle using the position sensor and a pid controller to position itself. println(dir); } when I compile it I get The example below uses pin-change interrupts to read from three rotary encoders that are attached to PD2PD7, ie, six consecutive bits of port D. I could just do with some general advice, You give the rotary encoder a range like you will. getDirection(); Serial. I have a project that including Arduino uno, and 2 angle measurements, 0-90 degrees , and my thoughts is to use rotary encoder for this. Is there a way to do it? One solution I think of is to turn the encoder 360 degrees, read the values, see how much it changes and use that as the basis for and angle. that go from 0 to 255 now will I to limit it that it not go from 255 to 0 or from 0 to 255. DT (Output B) – 2nd output to determine the encoder position (if used along with CLK, can be used to determine the direction of rotation). The adapter is rated for 12 V and 850 How To Connect Rotary Encoder To Arduino. I want to build a flatbed printer from Epson printer. The encoder has a resolution of 2500 pulses per revolution. But some have 200 or more. I'm working on a project that will use a high-speed rotary encoder attached to a DC Motor shaft which in turns drives a belted conveyor - sort of. • A mechanical (as opposed to optical) quadrature rotary encoder - this is the most common kind so don't worry too much if it isn't specified. This is where I'm stuck, as most of the sample codes, tutorials, etc. maybe someone know how to read this 12 bit data with arduino or maybe with additional shield or use another controller? rmetzner49 December 10, I want to make close loop negative feedback by using encoder to control rotation degree, which I can configure the desire point. (servo library driving into the radio's trainer port). Conclusion. I am facing a very strange problem: I can perfectly Hi all, I’ve been thinking about a project for a while after being inspired by Melbourne Instruments Nina Synthesizer that uses motorized endless encoders to mimic potentiometers with extra features like recall of a previous setting or fake detents for coarse values. I am not sure how to use pin 3 for both motor PWM and encoder readings. It also uses a motor driver module (L293). How do i get the rpm and position through the program . eBay and Aliexpress listings will often mention Arduino in the description and this is a good indicator that one is suitable. Saludos. Here are the connection details necessary to complete the Arduino and the Quadrature rotary encoder. What I'm trying to do is build a dyno to calculate the horsepower output of motorcycles. Hello everybody, I am trying to use a rotary encoder with my arduino uno. The encoder is connected to an Arduino Uno that is running the code A rotary encoder is a sensor used to determine the angular position of a rotating shaft. From the above circuit diagram you can see that the rotary encoder is connected to Arduino as the power pins VCC and GND of encoder are connected to 5V and GND of Arduino respectively, The output pins CLK and DT are connected to digital pin6 and Hello, all I have a small code to have a analog output from arduino uno controlled by a rotary encoder. learn how it works. In one period there are 4351 bits (128 + 4095 + 128) Hello, i am making a project where i want to calculate the velocity and rotation direction of a arduino motor. It has 4 wires, VCC, GND, A and B. The knob of a rotary encoder can rotate continuously around its axis without stopping. In short: One encoder controlling 3 pmw outputs, if button A has been pressed the encoder changes pmw output A1' if button B has been pressed the encoder change pmw output B1 and so on. In this post, we will focus on a rotary encoder with a shaft In this detailed tutorial learn how to interface a Rotary encoder with Arduino and display the encoded directional values on 16X2 LCD display when rotated in clockwise and anti clockwise directions. The generator will have an encoder to increase/decrease frequency, and another to change the scale (x1,x10,x100,x1000) the first encoder will increase 1*scale. It can be extended to more encoders by adding another pin-change ISR to handle another interrupt vector, or by using PD0 and PD1 as encoder inputs. Everything is going good, (been working on this for quite awhile now!) except for one thing, I can't get my rotary encoder to properly work!At first, I Hi, I`m new to this, and try to learn programming. I connected wire A This sketch reads a rotary encoder with interrupts and uses the index track to always recalibrate the encoder every turn. I seem to grasp how they work as a sensor, but I want to do something a little different. But I'm having serious problems. Let’s make a practical example of it using the Arduino. I was thinking of using a rotary encoder but the code looks very complicated vs what I'm using for the potentiometer. Potentiometers are used in Hi, I am trying to control 2 PWM PC fans with my Arduino Leonardo "pro micro" and a rotary encoder. The number of pulses or steps generated per complete turn varies. SW – Pin for the sensor’s built-in push button. I've spent the past several days reading about rotary encoders and using them as an input with the Arduino. I also use a long press on the encoder to delete the inputted password. DFRobot Wheel Encoders . Application of the rotary encoder usually as a Hi guys, I wonder if somebody can give me some pointers here as to whether the Arduino Diecimila is what I'm after for this project or not. boolean check; boolean start; unsigned int angle=5; //angle moved per encoder tick unsigned long volatile time1; unsigned long volatile time_11; unsigned long interrupt_time; void Rotary Encoder Arduino Example. Basically this step is the minimum amount you Good day, I am using Arduino UNO, with a rotary encoder that has a push button but whenever I had any type of display on my code the encoder starts to erratically especial when you turn it CCW, it still responds as CW, I try to troubleshoot and try to change the type of display and try to change different applications of that encoder but I still get the same issue. I started with writing the code to control the OLED and a simple function to read the rotary encoder and decode the results When you like to have precise control of a motor, it is normal to use a digital rotary encoder to provide a feed back signal to the microcontroller. I have a no-name micro gearbox 6V motor, and it came with an rotary quadratic encoder. If you’re working on an Arduino rotary encoder project and need help, you’re in the right place. So the rear wheel sits on a heavy metal drum and is accelerated to full speed, some simple math allows you to calculate the horsepower I want to convert he value from a rotary encoder to an angle value. From 0 to infinity or from 20 to 500 or from 1000 to 100000. DC motor speed control PWM and Rotary encoder feedback using Arduino. I will really To use a rotary encoder with an Arduino, you will need to connect the encoder’s two sensor outputs to two digital input pins of the Arduino. The device we are working with today is a KY-040 Rotary Encoder (Figure 1). I place 10 rotary encoder on a Atmeg88. Rotary encoder utilizes optical sensors that can generate pulses when the rotary encoder rotates. The PPR is 1000. consider the same pin 3 for encoder reading (usually together with pin 2), even on Arduino rotary encoders page. I want it when a click occurs, the previously inputted number is saved and then the How to control dc motor with encoder: Arduino DC Motor Speed Control with Encoder-I have been using different types of stepper motors, Servo motors, and DC Motors for quite a long time in different intermediate and advanced level projects. In my usage, it's more important to read slow than fast - I can only hand-crank the . I am attaching the the program here. Then found this Mr Gammon's amazing article: CLK (Output A) – Output to determine the encoder rotation. I am using it to interface with my factory stereo head Hi, I am a new in arduino, I need a some helps for my project. Here is some of my code. I succeeded with the A signal hey pals, i am trying to synchronize the speed of two motors using rotary encoders (which look like the one in the attached image). Its about 5 meters from the sensor to the arduino. I am trying to use an arduino Mega2056 to control 4 linear actuators. Finally, the Orange/Yellow wire to PWM enabled pin 9. I asked Chatgpt since I didn't want to code everything. I have a signal processor for my car called an Audison Bit One. dcerhkyktufpbrajqzryqyinikeviucdbxpeqjrspnszfscpufqft