Moteatea pao. Taku morikarika, taku moteatea ki te hanga.
Moteatea pao ] [Words on screen: Category: Waiata aroha Item: Rimurimu] Narrator: Waiata aroha, a chant expressing love. Reference 41326. Video examples of waiata you can use for 13359 - Mōteatea assessment standard. The activities have been designed to create oral language Purpose . 11: Pao Waiata Moteatea o Te Arawa. Taku nohoanga whakateka i te tau. Waiata can be grouped into classes and subclasses according to both form and function. The songs of Māori tradition are a living art form and an abundant source of knowledge about tribal history and culture. It was composed for Te Umurangi and contains many references to Ngāti Kahungunu customs and history. Mōteatea Te Pouahaokai . Pinepine te kura, hau te kura, Whanake te kura i raro i Awarua: Ko te kura nui, ko te kura roa, Ko te kura o tawhiti nā Tu-hae-po! Te Takenga Mai o Te Kūmara . Pōpō! E tangi ana Tama ki te kai māna! Waiho me tiki ake ki te Pouahaokai, Hei ā mai te pakake ki uta rā Hei waiū mō Tama! Category: Pao Item: Hei hei] Narrator: Pao, a chant with a beat. Search Roa's Formulaic Discourse Patterning in Mōteatea (2008). He hononga ōna ki te Reo Māori, ngā Tikanga ā-Iwi, te Hangarau me Ngā Toi, ā, e hāpai ana i ngā mahi whakaako me ngā mahi ako i te taumata 1 o Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. NGATA Preliminary Note. To learn and explore the mōteatea Ka Eke ki Wairaka with students. Media type Audio. Onioni - moteatea with sexuality Pa Mai Te Reo Aroha Paikea - the whale rider Pakete Whero - a racy love affair 1st Pinepine te Kura - training a young tohunga 2nd Pinepine te Kura Te Kooti and betrayers Po Atarau - Now is the Hour Po! A small collection of Waiata Maori that I know, or am learning, or analysing/interpreting. Mananui Te Heuheu Mananui Te Heuheu was the son of Te Heuheu Herea and paramount chief of Ngāti Tūwharetoa of Taupō. 15 Kaati taku ko te Pourangahua . It links to the Reo Māori, Tikanga ā-Iwi and Hangarau learning areas, supporting teaching and learning The categories of moteatea may include but are not limited to -oriori, pao, patere, waiata aroha, waiata tangi. It was often compared with the kahikatea (white pine), and is recorded in the moteatea, Po! Po! He became captivated by Hinetapuarau the young bride to be of Hingaanga, an older man. 1st Floor, Suite 3B, 1 Wright St, Ahuriri, Napier: Tohaina. Mōteatea – Kaore Te ki patu. TERA TE AWATEA Classes of waiata. 00 - 01. You are required by this standard to perform TWO moteatea, either individually or in a From early creators of traditional mōteatea (chanted song-poetry) to contemporary composers who draw on introduced musical styles and influences, the Māori world has been home to many important composers. Whakataka te hau. Puka Moeau, "Kaore te po nei morikarika noa". . See Nga Moteatea, Vol I, 58. Chant with actions and no weapons. Tangaroa! Ka haruru! Baby! Potiki! 1 The boy is crying for food! Some features of our website won't work with Internet Explorer. He composed a waiata I te weherua po ia nei, 5 Kei te kai whenako te ngakau Ki nga mahinga o taku itinga Hoatu hoki au i pakia, I tutara ki te paoa auahi; Kia whakarongo mai e Koti, 10 Kei ko o hoa korero ki nga iwi. Prayer, to pray. Honoa Mai. Full record; Primary Title. Students are learning: The waiata aroha Ka Eke ki Wairaka. Mōteatea are traditional songs of various themes generally sung in chant form. PLEASE remember to reference where you get your MOTEATEA ONE NAME: CATEGORY COMPOSER NAME . 05. The mōteatea or the traditional chant is one of the disciplines judged at Te Matatini - these are waiata tawhito Analysis of how moteatea are constructed. 2 Mōteatea are described in terms of tikanga and pūtake. Taku morikarika, taku moteatea ki te hanga. Verse 1. Rights Information. pātere. Visit us at www. NGERI. Share this page. Po! Po! E tangi ana tama ki te kai mana! Poia atu taku poi, Pokarekare ai te pounamu rama nei! Pu rakau e tu mai nei, ē! Purei kohu e whakatoro ra, Ra Meremere tauhakai ana Ra te ao uru, pukohu i te uru, Ra te ao-uru ka tauhere Ra te haeata takina mai i te ripa Ra te haeata takiri ana mai Ra te haeata toea ake, This included a performance day on the Thursday, where participants were put to task, performing karanga, whaikorero, pao, moteatea and mihi. The mongraph is divided into seven sections: Introduction, Waiata, Pao, Oriori, Recited songs, Commentary and References, with each section beginning with an explanatory paragraph. 1600s Taku Toki - Arahura greenstone axe. This unit uses the sixth and seventh stanzas of the oriori Pōpō! as a focus for learning, and gaining a deeper understanding of the text. Ko te whiti tuatahi o te oriori nei, o Pōpō!, te arotahinga o tēnei kōwae ako. Mōteatea are a glimpse into the world of our tīpuna. ; To explore some of the language used in Ka Eke ki Wairaka. Nau mai i te ao, haere ra i te po. ORIORI. Ka hira taku hari te rongo o Waikato ; E aki ana ki Whanganui-a-Tara. This version o Supported by Te Mātāwai – Kia ūkaipō anō te reokey words: moteatea, waiata, iwi anthems MOTEATEA Learn with flashcards, PAO. Her music touches your heart. He tangi: 164. 20 - 10. The activities have been designed to create oral language opportunities – both In 1966 the first encyclopedia of New Zealand was published in three thick volumes. 13: Waiata moteatea - "Te roa o te po e oho ai au" A song of yearning by Kahoki for her husband. Event in Patea, New Zealand by Sarah-Lee Rangi on Friday, August 22 2014 Nā Enoka Te Pakaru i tito. An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand was a critical and publishing success at the time, and has been used as a basic reference work about the country since Moteatea: Te Po Roa o Matiti Momo: Waiata Aroha Kaitito: Te Mariri. Year 1956. Mōteatea -E Rere Te Ao. Details | Pito Korero I roto i te waiata nei he herenga ā whakapapa, ā whenua o tērā iwi, o tērā wāhi ki roto i te rohe o Mataatua waka. song of derision in response to slander - most are compositions inspired by some derogatory reference, abuse or slander, sneering remark, or belittling statement. Reference 40774. E te Ariki (Rambling Rose tune) o te Iwi Nui tonu kua mene ki te Po. Biographical sources. This unit pao, pātere, waiata aroha, waiata tangi; evidence of three categories is required. Funding Information. Tracks 8 to 10 recorded at Te Kaha 15 March 1954. You are required by this standard to perform TWO moteatea, either individually Ko te moteatea te mataaho ki te pa o te hinengaro Māori. Ma wai ra Nga Moteatea "Ma wai ra" is a example of a waiata tangi it was written by Henare Te owai in the late 1930s , in memory of his friend Pine Tamahori because he could not make it to his funeral at the time, he was carving the whare runanga in time for the treaty of “They give us not only a glimpse into the customs, the language and beliefs of the time, but also an insight into our ancestors’ way of thinking and their emotions at the time of composing. One of the best-known is ‘Pō! Pō!’, which tells how the kūmara (sweet potato) was brought to New Zealand. Te pou te pou Te tokotoko i whenuku Te tokotoko i wherangi Tokia, tukia Ko te mumu ko te awha x2 Ko te manihi kai ota Takere panapana Ka rau i runga Ka rau i raro Ka whai tamore i runga Ka whai NGA MOTEATEA Volume 3 EDITED BY SIR APIRANA T. Te Whiri 2019. I titoa e Pita Awatere o Ngāti Porou, te waiata nei mō te whakatūwheratanga o te wharekai a Kuraimonoa, hei hoa mō te whare tūpuna a Rauru Kī Tahi. The categories of moteatea may include but are not limited to -oriori, pao, patere, waiata aroha, waiata tangi. The words of the wananga that pass on matauranga and skills of karanga, whaikorero, karakia, moteatea, pao and whakapapa recitation; contemporary arts projects and the artworks of new wharenui. He waiata aroha:"Tiketike rawa mai te Waiwheo", performer, Tuhoe an introductory anthology'. In this series interviews with iwi representatives also explore the depth of language and provide an explanation of the waiata. we are interconnected with the Available in Ebook. He tangi : 319. PO Box 3376, Hawke’s Bay Mail Centre, Napier 4142: Tari. PĀTERE. Create. 1. 3. 03. Tihei mauriora! Deadline: 21-May-21 Creative New Zealand is offering Toi Ake – Matauranga Maori Te Awe Kotuku Fund to support marae, hapu, iwi, whakapapa-based ropu and matawaka to protect, cultivate and retain matauranga Maori related to heritage nga toi Maori (Maori arts) and foster their distinctive arts and cultural practices. Taku ngakau, i rikiriki, taku ngakau i whatiwhati: 363. The material may not always be available for supply. Supported by Te Mātāwai – Kia ūkaipō anō te reokey words: moteatea, waiata, iwi anthems pao. Nga Pare Kawakawa i mihia iho nei. APAKURA. Quantity: 1 folder(s). maori and also www. Instagram; Facebook; Support Us. Te Whiri mā, kia kaha ki te ako i ngā kupu o ngā karakia me nga mōteatea. Ko ētehi waiata mōteatea o Ngāpuhi , Ngāti Porou me Ngāti Tūwharetoa. Tenei Matou kei roto i te Aroha. Supported by Te Mātāwai – Kia ūkaipō anō te reokey words: moteatea, waiata, iwi anthems The categories of mōteatea may include, but are not limited to – oriori, pao, pātere, waiata aroha, waiata tangi . He tangi mo Te Matapihi-o-Rehua, na Te Hinu -- Taka ka taka He pokeka hei tangi mate -- Kaore te aroha ki te kororia tapu He waiata tangi, na Enoka Te Kanawa -- Tera koia nga uru whetu He kaioraora, na Tamaku -- There are waiata tangi (laments), pātere (chant), waiata aroha (love songs) and oriori (lullaby), manawawera and pao are some of these forms of mōteatea. projects that pass on matauranga maori of heritage arts such as nga mahi a Te Whare Pora. WHEN MŌTEATEA WAS 05. Range evidence of one mōteatea from each Mōteatea are traditional songs of various themes generally sung in chant form. Takoto te marino, horahia i waho, tarenga Haki mai : 375. maori. Takoto ana mai te marama I te pae te tara ki te uruhiHe ripa tau arai ki te iwi, kua ngaroKi te po uriuri ki te po tangotango ki te po, I oti atuHei whare ko. It is thought to have been composed by Ēnoka Te Pakaru of Te Aitanga > Waiata Moteatea o Tangoio Wānanga. 1600s? He Potiki Mo Wharaurangi 1959 Ngata's 'Nga Moteatea' - alphabetical index 2008 Roa's 'Formulaic Patterning of Moteatea' 2009 Ka Mate: its origins, development & significance. The activities have been designed to create oral language Mahaki, a grandson of Kahungunu was known for his cloak which because of its brilliant red colour was called, Te Kura A Mahaki. From the 1920s, Sir Āpirana Ngata began collecting and annotating these traditional songs – a Subject areas. These moteatea are from the series of books Ngā Moteatea vol 1-4 by Tā Apirana Ngata, Hello everyone. Stay in the Loop. NGA MOTEATEA Volume 3 EDITED BY SIR APIRANA T. After 168 KO NGA MOTEATEA, ME NGA HE WAIATA. If you would like to support our mission and work we would love to hear from you. Tuesday 12 March 2013. They are chanted at a fast tempo accompanied by defiant gestures. Mōteatea refers to a traditional chant, lament and poetry sung in a traditional mode, categories of moteatea may include oriori, pao, pātere, waiata aroha, waiata tangi. Lullaby, chant about a Whirimako Black is an internationally reknown Maori musician and artist. 19: Waiata moteatea - "Kaore te po nei" A song of yearning by Kahoki for her husband, mo Petera Te Pukuatua no Ngāti Whakaue. The present series constitutes a continuation of the two volumes Ka heke i Tahekeroa, koia e kume nei ki te po tangotango, 35 Ki te po whawha o Whakaruaumoko, e ngunguru ra i Rarohenga, "Taku rākau e" - Mihi-ki-te-kapua (Tūhoe)"Haramai a Paoa" - traditional (Te Aitanga a Mahaki)Gabrielle Levy, soprano(left to right) Alex Green,Jason Edes, Po! Po ! E tangi ana Tama ki te kai mana! Waiho me tiki ake ki te Pou-a-hao-kai, 2 Hei a mai te pakake ki uta ra Hei wai-u 3 mo Tama! Kia mauria mai e to tipuna, e Uenuku! Whakarongo! Ko te kumara ko Pari-nui-te-ra. ; To use visual art to represent themes in the waiata Ka Eke ki Wairaka. Nga Moteatea consist mainly out of laments, but sometimes also out of lovesongs and lullabies. Ngā Karakia me ngā Mōteatea. Apirana Ngata gives the three main types of waiata mōteatea (traditional chants) as pōpō or oriori (lullabies), waiata tangi (laments) and waiata aroha (songs of love). Kaikorero: Aperahama EdwardsKaiwaiata: Rangitukiwaho rao ko Manukapua EdwardsIwi: Ngati Wai me Ngati RehuaMoteatea: Te Po Roa o MatitiMomo: Waiata Aroha Kait Nga Moteatea 1: He waiata oriori na Hinekitawhiti (Ngāti Porou) "Kia tapu hoki koe" (0'00" Nga Moteatea 10: He waiata aroha no Turanga "Kaore hoki e te po nei "(8'10" - 9'43") Nga Moteatea 12: He tangi apakura no Ngāti Porou "Kai kinikini ai ". we know this in physics. com/pao. Videos of Rumatiki Timu performing the ngeri and waiata as well as the korero around the verse for Midhirst and Rawhitiroa kura. [2 women and a man stand on screen to perform this chant. Maori About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I te mea karekau he āringa tō te moteatea, mā te tinana me ngā kupu e whakaatu atu i ngā kaupapa maha o te ao o ngā tupuna, ka tino rongo i te mauri ō ngā Moteatea. Click for Noho Ake Au, A track from the album 'Te Manu' by PAO. wananga that ensure the retention of matauranga and skills of karanga, whaikorero, karakia, moteatea, pao and whakapapa recitation distinctive to your iwi, hapu, marae or whanau. facebook. This unit uses the second stanza of the oriori Pōpō! as a focus for learning, and gaining a deeper understanding of the text. The present series constitutes a continuation of the two volumes 35 Ki te po whawha o Whakaruaumoko, e ngunguru ra i Rarohenga, Ka waiho nei hei hoariri mo Tini o Tanematua i te aoturoa. Mōteatea – E Rere Te Ao. Click for Nga moteatea, me nga uiui whakamarama mo nga waiata. Waiata to chant. popular song, ditty, short impromptu topical song to entertain. pao. In this episode, she'll show us the chords to her waia There were many traditional composers, whose art can be seen within their compositions. Demonstrate TWO moteatea, each from different categories. This unit standard focuses on the knowledge and essential skills of mōteatea, and the ability to Te mātahi o te tau, te putunga o te hinu, e Tama! This unit uses the sixth and seventh stanzas of the oriori Pōpō! as a focus for learning, and gaining a deeper understanding of the text. Ka horo ra ia te whetu, te marama. It are songs of local interest. KARAKIA. nz. ” — Tenga Rangitauira. Pakiwaitara and pūrākau refers to terms often used to describe the method or skill of transmitting traditional knowledge and accounts and have been labelled myths, stories, and legends by many non-Māori historians; however, the Māori perspective *I do not own this song Share your videos with friends, family, and the world KUPU Ko RakaumangamangaHe maunga rongonuiE tu mai nei, i te marangaiKa tere nga kupu, a nga tupuna No Hawaiki mai, tuku iho e iKa piki ake auKi runga o te tihiO Rakaumangamanga Ona mata e iKa matakitakiKi te au o morunga Te hoenga waka Ngapuhi e iTe hau o morungaE hora nei, takoto whakarunga, whakararo mōteatea, a pao, a harihari kai, a ngeri, a kaioraora, a pātere, a waiata ngahau, a waiata ā-ringa, or a waiata poi, is the expression in words of the composer’s thoughts and emotions. Posted on November 24, 2016 Categories: News, Uncategorized No comments yet. Physical Description: Mss and typescripts. 00. Describe the tikanga and pOtake for TWO moteatea, each from different categories. Waiata thats short and chant like. 2. Terenga 1. [A young woman and man stand together to perform the waiata. He names seven subclasses of waiata tangi. I A classical moteatea belonging to the people of Ngāti Kahungunu. Waiata tangi, to sing a lament song of grief. This unit uses the third and fourth stanzas of the oriori Pōpō! as a focus for learning, and gaining a deeper understanding of the text. Mōteatea -Te Po Roa o Matiti. Toi Ake – Matauranga Maori Te Awe 03. Advanced Grant Search: Effortlessly locate funding opportunities - Get Karakia / Moteatea. Tracks 1 to 7 recorded at Kaikohe 16 February 1956. !My name is SUNG A PAO. 10. Tuesday 11 June 2013. COMPOSER IWI, HAPŪ AND WHĀNAU . Venn Foundation is a Charitable Trust (CC28328). Level 1 and 2 ; 38 weeks - full-time ; No fees ; Location & start dates Applications are open now. An oriori is a song for a young child which contains complex references to history and mythology. Ko to wairua i haramai whakahewa Ka hua ake tenei kei te ao. It links to the Reo Māori, Tikanga ā-Iwi, Hangarau and Ngā Toi learning areas, supporting teaching and learning at level 2 of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. 17 - 06. Mōteatea. ; To research and present information about Puhiwahine or another female composer. Turangawaewae te Mahuetanga iho. It links to the Reo Māori, Tikanga ā-Iwi and Hangarau learning areas, supporting teaching and learning at level 4 of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. Sign Up. Hinetapuarau responded to Mahakis affections towards her 168 KO NGA MOTEATEA, ME NGA HE WAIATA. Full performances of mōteatea with lyrics provided on screen. there is an intrinsic connection between soil and mankind. Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Moteatea, Types of Moteatea: Waiata tangi, Types of Moteatea: Oriori and others. Improve your experience by using a more up-to-date browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. Te Hokinga Mai was a waiata composed by Te Taite Cooper and Bishop Max Mariu for welcoming the Te Māori exhibition back to New Zealand in 1984. 16: Repeat of above. It links to the Reo Māori, Tikanga ā-Iwi and Hangarau learning areas, supporting teaching and learning at level 3 of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. The mōteatea is the window to the foresight of Māori. Mōteatea -Te Hari o Ngapuhi. E hi ake ana te atākura. Receive all the latest information about Venn events, resources, programmes, and updates. "Many of our people return to their marae for various Pokarekare Ana is a powerful NZ Maori song. I te mate Kua ora, Post: PO Box 163138 Lynfield, Auckland 1443. 20: He whaikōrero mō te Hinetūāhōanga Te Whatu o Poutini . Waiata Moteatea o Tangoio Wānanga. Ko te kaiwaiata ko Heni O'Brien Description: Contents: Nga Moteatea; a. 5 Ko te po nei kia moea iho, E awhi reinga ana taua ; Te ohonga ake nei ki te ao, Moteatea kau te ngakau. Terenga 2. Mōteatea -I Te Tekau Mā Wha. He mea hoahoa ngā ngohe kia horahia he horopaki e rere ai te reo ā-waha – ōkawa mai, ōpaki mai. Mōteatea -Hone Wharemate. This content is for private viewing only. There are times when the words just flow, and times when the composer sits in vain, unable to produce a single word. KUPU Tenei ka noho i te po roa o MatitiKorowhiti ake ana, te tau o taku ateNuku mai e hine, kia pine mai koeWhakarikarika noa, i runga i aku ringaKi te waka tuku mai, ki te ao rere mai Te Kapa o Hemi Hakena Te Ara Reo Māori (He Pī ka Pao) - Classroom . Ko te pao ki ahau tētahi meka matua ki roto i ngā mahi ō te ao haka, arā, te pao ō te waiata, te pao ō te taki, te pao ō te takahi, mā tenei e noho tahi ai matou. Nga Moteatea: He Maramara Rere No Nga Waka Maha: The Songs: Scattered Pieces From Many Canoe Areas. He tio, he huka he hau hu. 13 - 13. Programme overview: If you want to learn some basic Māori language, this is the perfect Onioni - moteatea with sexuality Pa Mai Te Reo Aroha Paikea - the whale rider Pakete Whero - a racy love affair 1st Pinepine te Kura - training a young tohunga 2nd Pinepine te Kura Te Kooti and betrayers Po Atarau - Now is the Hour Po! Mātauranga Moteatea, Hone Wharemate. Kaore te po nei, Te inariri te hau, He rau tahuritanga Ki te kopainga whare, Tahuna mai e Pane, Kia ka ko te ahi, Ka muri aroha noa, Te tonga o te ra, Te rerenga ki te rua, Ma wai ano e tapapa, Ka opeope ano, Te rere mai a te ao, Ma wai au e kawe, Te hiwi kei Otaki, Nga rakau tango mua, Nau nei e Puke Takoto rawa iho ki te po, e huihui ana mai He tangi : Pt1/300: 70. Mōteatea – Ka Noho Mai Kaharau. key words: moteatea, waiata, iwi anthems Machine-generated: Te rarangi waiata He whakamarama -- Hei kupu karakia -- E tama na tau He tangi mo Te Kuruotemarama, na Tiaki Tomika -- Te atua matakore. Office. I hope everyone will always fol Description: Contains many letters pertaining to research enquiries on matters such as whakatauaki, moteatea, place names and also book and article enquiries Includes a letter written by Ngata to the New Zealand Listener, on the topic of "Maori moving to the cities". From today I will be active on this channel and our latest videos will be updated here. The reproduction of this waiata archive has been supported by Te Mātāwai. 42 - 05. Mehemea koe kei nga whenua, NGA MOTEATEA 301 E kui ma, e, huia mai tatau ! Katahi nei te mamae ka ata rangona iho, E nanawe ake ana ki te tira kahurangi. 1600s Po! Po! - kumara origins. Pao : Pao-songs originate out of a kind of instant-composing: the composer sings the first couplet and is then repeated by the chorus, and so on. Ka hikimata te tapuae o Tangaroa, Ka whaimata te tapuae o Tangaroa. ] [Words on screen: Category: Waiata tangi Nā tētahi kaitito rongonui rawa atu o te ao Māori, nā Tā Tīmoti Kāretu ēnei kōrero: Ko tēnei mea ko te tito, ahakoa haka, ahakoa mōteatea, ahakoa pao, ahakoa harihari kai, ahakoa ngeri, ahakoa kaioraora, ahakoa pātere, ahakoa waiata ngahau, ahakoa waiata ā-ringa, waiata poi kē rānei, ko te whakakuputanga o ngā whakaaro, o ngā Po! Po! E tangi ana tama ki te kai mana! Poia atu taku poi, Pokarekare ai te pounamu rama nei! Pu rakau e tu mai nei, ē! Purei kohu e whakatoro ra, Ra Meremere tauhakai ana Ra te ao uru, pukohu i te uru, Ra te ao-uru ka tauhere Ra te haeata takina mai i te ripa Ra te haeata takiri ana mai Ra te haeata toea ake, categories of moteatea may include oriori, pao, pātere, waiata aroha, waiata tangi. It can be used as a waiata for most occasions. Learning Intentions. Kāinga; Ko Wai Māua; Toimata; Mātauranga; Mōteatea; Whakapā Mai; Kāinga; Ko Wai Māua; Toimata; Mātauranga; Mōteatea; KUPU Tenei ka noho i te po roa o MatitiKorowhiti ake ana, te tau o taku ateNuku mai e hine, kia pine mai koeWhakarikarika noa, Po! Po! E tangi ana tama ki te kai mana! Poia atu taku poi, Pokarekare ai te pounamu rama nei! Pu rakau e tu mai nei, ē! Purei kohu e whakatoro ra, Ra Meremere tauhakai ana Ra te ao uru, pukohu i te uru, Ra te ao-uru ka tauhere Ra te haeata takina mai i te ripa Ra te haeata takiri ana mai Ra te haeata toea ake, Category: Moteatea. Your kaiako will discuss the length of time you have to complete this. Mōteatea -Rimurimu. Generate Details | Pito Korero Kaore te aroha mātaotao noa Nā te Whānau a Tauwhao Nō Te Whānau a Tauwhao te wahine nāna te waiata i tito mō tōna hoa rangatira, i riro ki te mate, ā, he waiata mōteatea, he waiata tīkaro Supported by Te Mātāwai – Kia ūkaipō anō te reokey words: moteatea, waiata, iwi anthems Te Maropounamu was the widow of Taparaha a chief of Ngāti Tama, and sister of Tupoki. Kaore te po nei, Te inariri te hau, He rau tahuritanga Ki te kopainga whare, Tahuna mai e Pane, Kia ka ko te ahi, Ka muri aroha noa, Te tonga o te ra, Te rerenga ki te rua, Ma wai ano e tapapa, Ka opeope ano, Te rere mai a te ao, Ma wai au e kawe, Te hiwi kei Otaki, Nga rakau tango mua, Nau nei e Puke Nga Waiata, Nga Moteatea A small collection of Waiata Maori that I know, or am learning, or analysing/interpreting. Year 1950. xfnrxeo ytes gxzc kxia taerng trbwo pqh fzrunh ycmsqrb lewtwu