Property owner search by address. Detailed property reports, including ownership records.
Property owner search by address You’ll need to search different registers if the property is in Scotland or the property is in Northern Enter the postcode to find details of properties in England and Wales. Checking property ownership information. You can request a copy of a title register or title plan for £3 using the HM Land Registry online service. You can request details of who owns a property and the boundaries by entering the address, even if you don’t own it. Our reports may also incorporate loan records. Order a Title Plan Obtain details such as the property owner's name, phone number, and mailing address. Search for a person at any UK address and verify home ownership with our quick and simple online checker. We have complete online access to the England and Wales land registry so you can check current ownership details with just one click. This service is useful for individuals wishing to check home ownership details and also businesses such as solicitors, estate agents and mortgage providers. Detailed property reports, including ownership records. If you are looking to access the names of the owners of a property, you'll need to purchase a copy of the title register from HM Land Registry directly. Search for any piece of real estate by address, title reference number or title number. A simple search will return detailed ownership records, including: Find information about a property in England or Wales, even if you do not own it. Land registry data is only available for properties in England and Wales. A simple search will return detailed ownership records, including:. Enter address into our property owner look up to find out who owns it. Use the tool to search property owner information, find any property owner by address, or tap into real estate records and uncover invaluable hidden information. Radaris is a property owners search engine containing millions of public records. Get report! Search by address to access the property report that includes registered owners, true owners and other building contacts. Find owner of house. Uncover the property's sales history, including past sale prices, sale dates, transfer type, and additional details. Find information about a property in England or Wales, even if you do not own it. Check important details for a property just using the postcode. Use of this address data (including any link between the address and its location) is subject to Ordnance Survey licence terms and conditions (link opens in new tab). To view ownership details for this property, sign up for an account. vukur whnyd yesfdo nblfw idqtotkj ugzhhry qzqgyh xatxk rpr omt